Build and optimise your portfolio like the professionals

StoxIQ lets you build, manage and optimise your long-term investment portfolios based on the same data and optimisation algorithms used by professional portfolio managers.

Data from the world's stock exchanges

StoxIQ can help you with your investment decisions by offering you insight into fundamental data on potential assets and sectors. Our market data is purchased from a market data provider that specialises in collecting market data from exchanges around the world.
Currently, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen are available. However, we will add more exchanges on an ongoing basis.

StoxIQ analyses historical stock prices and uses professional models to quantify trends and uncertainties in individual stocks. In addition, StoxIQ also analyses the relationship between different stocks (known as correlation) and uses this data to identify the most optimal allocation in terms of risk and return.

Optimisation is a continuous process as the risk/return ratio naturally varies over time due to market movements. As soon as it is beneficial for you to rebalance your portfolio, StoxIQ automatically recommends a new set of asset allocations.

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I am an inexperienced private investor - is StoxIQ for me?

Yes, private investment and StoxIQ are definitely for you. For the inexperienced private investor, StoxIQ provides guidance on how to build a solid portfolio - and get started investing in general. With the StoxIQ App in hand, you are provided with extensive user content tailored to your preferences.

StoxIQ offers you many benefits:

Getting started


Portfolio construction

Portfolio analysis

Advanced riskmanagement

Portfolio monitoring

I am an experienced private investor
- is this for me?

Yes, as an experienced private investor, StoxIQ is definitely for you. With the StoxIQ APP in hand, you can act on professional data rather than newspaper headlines, feelings and gut instincts. The app provides you with real-time, up-to-the-minute data and recommendations to adjust and correct your portfolio. You can also perform additional portfolio analysis, advanced risk assessment and ongoing portfolio monitoring in real time.


Portfolio construction

Portfolio analysis

Company analysis

Advanced risk management

Portfolio monitoring

Discovery of new markets

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Investment decisions based on data - not emotions

Be your own professional portfolio manager

StoxIQ is a professional portfolio management tool made available for everyone. Use it to create and manage personalized investment portfolios – and monitor your risk with modern analytics and optimization algorithms.

Make decisions based on data – not emotions

By following a proven process based on your risk profile, investment horizon and historical data, you simplify your decision-making process and effectively remove ‘irrational’ emotions and hunches from the equation.

Put an end to expensive management fees

As a private investor you pay a considerable premium to get a professional to build your portfolio. StoxIQ removes the need for expensive portfolio management and keeps your profit from being devaluated by private banking fees.

Search and discover new markets

With several exchanges at your fingertips (more added over time), you can easily search the most popular stock markets and continue your analysis with a deep dive into any individual company of interest.

Building A Solid Portfolio Has Never Been Simpler


Create an investment profile

Your investment profile details information such as investment horizon, risk preferences, and sectors/industries to be considered.


Optimize portfolio allocations

Once you complete your investment profile, StoxIQ automatically suggests an optimized portfolio that matches your criteria and offers you the best risk/return ratio – including diversification effects. You can, of course, deselect any stock you don’t like manually.


Execute your trades

When you are satisfied with the suggested portfolio, you are ready to execute the trades on a trading platform of your choice. Please remember to update the executed trades on StoxIQ, so it reflects your actual positions (trades can be imported from a csv file).


Monitor and rebalance your portfolio

StoxIQ constantly monitors your portfolio and automatically indicates when it is time to potentially rebalance your portfolio.

Download now

Available on the AppStore and Google Play

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